Life by the Sea – Photography Project

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.

Jacques Yues Cousteau

The sea is one of nature’s natural beauties that many only get to experience for a limited amount of time on holiday. In my photography project, I show the natural beauty of the Irish seaside mixed together with normalcy and routine of everyday life happening around this stunning scenery. I capture different aspects of daily life by the sea, for example a woman walking with a pram, a man going swimming at sunrise, two nuns on a Sunday walk and a taxi taking a break by the seafront. Despite these different motives, my photos all have a similar aesthetic which shows that they’re still all connected.

I achieved this aesthetic by taking most photos during golden hour or by enhancing the lighting with editing software. I wanted to convey the feeling of warmth and have a consistent colour palette throughout the project.

The images are all produced organically without instructing the subject. I took most photos fist and then asked for permission to use them. This makes the photographs still seem raw and real despite obvious light enhancements.

Showing life by the sea doesn’t only mean active human life, that’s why I also took photos of objects that connect to human life. These photos can seem even more powerful then the ones with human subjects. For instance, the picture of a can of coke thrown carelessly into nature, facilitates critical thinking on environmental pollution while the picture still fits into the theme thematically, and aesthetically.

I was inspired to choose this topic of “Life by the Sea” by my mother who has always adored the Irish sea and has passed down her love of the ocean to me.

Furthermore, the specific beach and seaside area I shot at are of great significance to me. The Dollymount Beach in Clontarf is where my mother used to go with her family when she was growing up and she continued this tradition with my sister and I. Whenever we were visiting our grandparents, we went to the Dollymount strand.

Now that we moved back to Dublin, I have been spending a lot of time there again. This part of Dublin bay holds many of my happiest childhood memories and that is why I wanted to showcase its beauty and importance through my photography project.

By capturing the beauty of life by the sea, I want to communicate the happiness and joy I feel when I’m at the seaside. The viewer should feel the same love for the ocean and its beauty that I feel, regardless of them not having a connection to it or of them being used to it.

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